Tuesday, February 18, 2025

HW for the class of Feb 24 - Luther Standing Bear, "Nature" (anthology, p. 50-51) and Louis Owens, "The American Indian Wilderness" (p.52)

 Answer to any of the prompts (or more if you like)

1. To what does Luther Standing Bear attribute the difference between the "white" mind and the "Indian" mind? Do you agree

2. Below is the text of the 1964 Wilderness Act to which Louis Owens refers to in "The American Indian Wilderness". How is it problematic? How would you rephrase it?

3. Refer to the keyword "Indian" in Burgett and Hendler, Keywords for American  Cultrual Studies (2007) - see moodle. Is it what you expected to find there? Would you improve it or restructure it if you were commissioned with doing it?


Sunday, February 16, 2025

HW for Feb 19 - Peter Coates, "The Human and Natural Environment" (anthology, pp. 35-45)

 - Discuss the concepts of "Nature's nation" and "ecological imperialism" as stated in the essay and how they may complement or otherwise contradict each other.

- Comment on how you understand the following quote and whether you agree or disagre: "Environmentalism emerged from a mood that not only assailed the prevailing liberal democratic political system and its undeprinning capitalist ethos but also questioned the philosophical assumptions of Western industrial civilization." (anthology, p. 44, text page 24)

Painting: Albert Berdstatd, "The Last of the Buffalo", 1888

The Last of the Buffalo, 1888 by Albert Bierstadt

Bruce Burgett and Glenn Handler, Keywords for American Cultural Studies, 3rd edition, 2020



Tuesday, February 11, 2025

HW for Feb 17 - American Studies (based on Campbell and Kean 2016: American Cultural Studies)

 Write on either (or both) of the following prompts:

1. Continue the work on "keywords", now finding and defining those related to American Studies.

2. While Campbell and Kean state, in their intro, that the history of American Studies as a discipline (or perhaps a not-innocent branch of "area studies") is not within the scope of their book, test your curiosity by doing some research on the origins and turns of American Studies. [tip: there is a wealth of resources here, as indicated in a note by the authors: http://culturalpolitics.net/]

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

HW for Feb 12: around the concepts of cultural geography

  Please find and try to define at least two keywords in the entry for "cultural geography" by Mark Paterson. You can complement these with notions you find in the extracts of Topophilia by Yi-Fu Tuan.Try not to repeat yourselves. The image below is helpful but does not exhaust all the keywords you may find.

HW for the class of Feb 24 - Luther Standing Bear, "Nature" (anthology, p. 50-51) and Louis Owens, "The American Indian Wilderness" (p.52)

 Answer to any of the prompts (or more if you like) 1. To what does Luther Standing Bear attribute the difference between the "white...